Shop Update: We're OPEN (Sort of)
After 6 days of non-stop cleaning with endless help from everyone (Thank you again), the shop opened for business yesterday. It is a bit rough without our point of sale system and credit card machine, but we managed to sell a mountain bike yesterday. The shop is getting a new set of walls today as the water is all dried up and we have been treating the wood with bleach to kill bacteria. The big blue thing in the middle of the picture is an industrial grade room dehumidifier. In two days, the thing has drawn almost a full size trash can of water out of the air. Working in the shop is like stepping into a wind tunnel. Between the three dehumidifiers and the six high output blowers, it is loud, windy and DRY. We have a long way to go till things are normal...
Speaking of "Normal"...I am considering bleaching my hair as the rest of me and my clothes are covered in bleach. When I left last night, I looked at my Levi's and realized that I looked like something out of a bad Glam Rock Video. The jeans were nearly white in front from the bleach with holes starting to develop, I had a wicked cool black Def Leppard tee shirt on and long, flowing, spiked blond hair and a headband on. Eighty-two was a good year. As a group, if we all start pulling out our coveted 80's outfits and started rockin' them on a regular basis, we could re-ignite a trend that died WAY too early. What do you say???? We can do it...
I think I inhaled too much bleach last night...never mind. Besides, the leopard print just doesn't look good on a bike.
Enjoy the ride.