Dec 30, 2005

"But my lips hurt REAL BAD"

So I was J.R.A. (Just Riding Along) when this 18 Wheeler (Big Truck) was passing me in a rain storm (yeah, the one that started December 17th, 10 inches and 13 days ago...but I'm not bitter about it...things could be worse) when he hit a pothole RIGHT next to me. The tire of the truck kicked up this rather large piece of asphalt and hit me on the lip. I was so numb from the cold I did not really pay attention till I stopped at Peet's Coffee to get some food. (Yup, can you believe it, I was HUNGRY!) I had my favorite Blueberry/banana muffin. As I am mowing away at my new source of energy to get me home (all 2 miles), Meg (the Barista) is looking at me kinda funny. I am thinking what's wrong? Is it the fact that I am all dressed up in lycra from head to toe including the neoprene booties and the skull cap under my helmet? Nah, it couldn't be that. Is it the fact that I have been standing in the same place for...oh...two minutes...and there was a puddle around me ten feet in diameter. Nope, I know those looks (believe me, I KNOW those looks) this one was different...this was of genuine concern. Then it strikes me as she is motioning to her lips...she wants me to kiss that...I put my neoprene gloved hand up to my mouth and there is blood. That truck drew first blood! I finished my muffin, waved goodbye to my new pseudo girlfriend/barista Meg. Who, by the way, REALLY wanted me to kiss her all dressed up like a Lycra Superhero with a bloody lip, dripping wet in front of everyone in there.
So now, I have a bloody lip and a bruised gum, a bruised ego, and it's raining...still...So I got that going for me. Otherwise, it was another great day on the bike. I just hope that it stops raining before ALL of the roads are flooded. I've got 6 hours to kill on the bike tomorrow so we'll see what did not flood tonight.
Enjoy the ride...

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