Sep 1, 2006

"The good news..."

Sun Peaks Resort, BC Canada (Eh?)

So why am I awake so late with worlds in a little over a day away? Well, I am goong stir crazy...That's why. Not in a good way EITHER. The airlines left my bike in Seattle...where it still is as of my latest hourly call. The common response from them goes like this, "Mr. Butch (wherever they farm out their phone banks, their culture cannot say "BUSH") the good news is we have located your bag. (yeah, no shit! I told you it was sitting next to the plane as we pushed back in Seattle, genius). We have it scheduled for transport."
For over 24 hours now they have been telling me the same song and dance. So I pray to the airline gods that my bike makes it here in time to race on Sunday bike sits somewhere...and they have located it. But they don't seem to know when it will get here.
At this point if it is not here by tomorrow, they may as well keep it. It does me no good. My dance is done.
I think next time I will take up something that you can carry on to a plane if need be...
Any Ideas?
Ty...sorry I took your hat. This is karma I guess.

Sent from the Treo 650 of:
Patrick Bush

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