Apr 30, 2006

International Waffle Report

On my recent trip to Europe, I managed to hang in my old stomping grounds of Annecy, France for a couple of days while I was working. While I was there, I became quite fond of this little local waffle stand. Of course, they served them with my favorite topping, Nutella. I frequented there so much, that I not only had a frequent waffler card, but I filled it. So when I return there in September, I have a free waffle coming my way...perfect post ride food after a long day in the saddle I'm thinking.
Because of my "habit," someone on our trip coined the nickname of "International Waffler" for me. So now, amongst other nicknames I am expected to answer to like "Pat in the Hat," "Wee Man," "Gun Show" and "Pedro,", I now have the pressure of not only answering to "International Waffler" but I must also live up to that name.
To help in my new found appreciation of oddly yet symmetrically shaped cooked batter, Patrick and Debbie Kelly sent me this lovely professional grade waffle maker. I am now complete (almost). I can hang my head high and with great pride when I hear the words "International Waffler" uttered, for I have on, I am one and I have the card to prove it. This morning, I woke up and decided to make myself some waffles and enjoy the sunrise before I jumped on the bike to spin out the legs after yesterday's self inflicted pain-fest. I was thinking it would be easy...I make pancakes all the time. All I need to do is make the batter a little bit thinner...pour it into the iron...hit go and wait the programmed 4 minutes...Right?
WRONG! I failed to follow ALL of the directions. In tiny print at the bottom of the package below the nutritional facts the mix calls for a tablespoon of oil for making waffles. So after 20 minutes of prep, reading the waffle maker directions, making the batter up, pre-heating the machine, Blah, blah, Blah...I am left with a mess, a grumbling stomach and no time to now fix anything if I want to get out on the bike. So I forgot about my leisurely Sunday morning breakfast and settled for this...
Luckily, I managed to make myself yet another cup of coffee during the whole Waffle Massacre. So I had that going for me. I have many options when it comes to making coffee (five to be exact) but recently I was informed that I was not really a coffee aficionado until I owned one of these...
So my quest for the perfect waffles and cup of coffee continues...
Enjoy the coffee...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are truely the best waffle makers. I find that mixing the batter a little thicker than normal and using the oil results in the perfect waffle. The coffee maker... the Francis Francis is nice. Mine served 3 years of hard labor before the pump gave out. Now I have my eyes on a Saeco but it is hard to justify since we have one at work.