May 2, 2006

My next gig...

I appreciate the concern for my happiness that many of you have shared with me when I finally retire from racing my bike in September. To be honest, it will not be easy, but I know that it is the right thing to do. It's time. I WILL land on my feet...I always do. But don't fool is all part of a bigger plan. I'm not stopping cause I'm tired. I'm simply switching gears. I have seen the future. I know I am not the most gifted athlete out there. Sure I have honed my talent...some may argue to excess. I have proven to myself that I can go out and hurt myself and suffer like no other with the best of them. So What's next???
Something that takes no talent or skill...just some creativity and a bit of humility...

That's not me...but I imagine I could do this too with some practice (and some longer hair). I think I would wear High Tops I don't blow out an ankle...but some Van's checkered slip-ons might really get the votes too...tough decisions.So me and the boyz at the shop have been planning this for a while (as you can see by the date on the pic)...prepping...and training. So now that we got the skillz and the sweat suits (Thanks Jelly Belly), we can announce our official entry in the US Air Guitar National Championships. If we win, we get to go on a NO expenses paid trip to Finland for Worlds. Look for us to become the "Air Supreme" in SF on May 11th. We're taking any suggestions on a group name.
If this doesn't pan out...I've got more ideas...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember, air drums are not permitted!